Brian is installed for a second time in Wyre Mark
Wyre Mark Lodge No 754 celebrated its installation by having Brian Burgess-Dicks take on the role of master for a second time after a five years absence. Brian was master previously in 2014.
Representing the Provincial Grand Master for the occasion was Stuart Brackstone PGJO who was accompanied by a glittering array of Grand and Provincial Grand officers which numbered Wyre Lodge chaplain Stephen Leach, the PGM’s Special Representative John Forster, David Rotherham, Terry West and Ernest Gavan and many others among its ranks.
Stuart Brackstone, Brian Burgess-Dicks and David Britton
The outgoing and installing master David Britton swiftly dealt with the early administrative work of the lodge before lodge DC Dennis Smith announced the arrival of Stuart Brackstone and Wyre’s other distinguished guests who were warmly welcomed by David and subsequently saluted by the brethren under the guidance of the DC.
As Brian Burgess-Dicks has previously held office as WM, his predecessor David and the other officers involved in the ceremony used the shortened version of the ritual for the installation, all of which was done with consummate great sincerity by David.
Grand officers in a glittering pose with Brian Burgess-Dicks
Andrew Dickson took post as installing SW, Alan Fairhurst as installing JW and Joe O’Brien continued in his place as installing IG. Tom Egan expertly presented the working tools and Stephen Leach presented Brian with the lodge’s Charity and Keystone jewels. John Forster gave the traditional Address to the new master. Andrew Dickson gave the address to the Wardens followed by the Address to the Overseers which was given by Alan Fairhurst and Stuart Brackstone completed the installation proceedings with a beautifully presented Address to the Brethren.
Following the installation ceremony Stuart brought the good wishes and congratulations of the PGM as he praised Brian and David for their impressive work. In turn Brian as the new master thanked Stuart for his kind words and he presented him with a cheque for £250 which was bound for West Lancashire Mark Charity.
Stuart Brackstone and Brian Burgess-Dicks with visiting masters
Following the closing of the lodge the brethren retired to an excellent festive board where Stuart, in his response to a toast to him, thanked the many grand officers for supporting him at Wyre Mark Lodge’s installation. He singled out several brethren for congratulations on appointments and promotions they were soon to receive at the annual meeting of Provincial Mark Grand Lodge in Southport on May 1 2019. Stuart also thanked Jimmy Rogers, Wyre Mark’s secretary, for his helpful notes in his letter of welcome to him.
He praised the lodge for its gift to Mark Charity and also spoke of his delight that the lodge had two candidates for advancement during the new master’s reign waiting in the wings. He added his hope that brethren continued to press for new additions to the Mark’s ‘friendly degree’ and underlined that they should continue their enjoyment of Mark Masonry.
All smiles from the members of Wyre Mark Lodge
A raffle held at the festive board raised a praiseworthy £115.
Following speeches from the IPM David Britton to his successor and his response to it by Brian the new WM called on Ernie Gavan to propose the Tyler’s Toast.
Words and pictures by Bob Boal